Exhibits at the 2012 ANA World’s Fair of Money® — Sorted by Exhibit Class —

last updated August 9, 2012

Explanation of the column headers:
E# The Exhibit number. Each exhibit has its own number, assigned by ANA upon receipt of each application. The entries are arranged by Exhibit number within each Class.
#c The number of Cases in this exhibit.
Competitive Exhibits
Class 1 United States coins
Class 2 United States fiscal paper
Class 3 Medals, orders, decorations and badges
Class 4 Modern coins and medals
Class 5 Tokens
Class 6 Casino chips and gaming tokens
Class 7 Engraved coins
Class 8 Elongated coins
Class 9 Coins issued prior to 1500 A.D.
Class 10 Regional U.S. numismatics
Class 11 Numismatics of the Americas
Class 12 Numismatics of Europe
Class 13 Numismatics of Africa and the Middle East
Class 14 Numismatics of Asia and the Pacific
Class 15 Gold Coins
Class 16 Numismatic errors and error varieties
Class 17 Numismatic literature
Class 18 General, specialized and topical
Class 19 Convention theme
Class 20 Emeritus
Class 21 Best-of-Show Candidates from National Money Shows
Non-Competitive Exhibits

Competitive Exhibits

Within each class, a First Place, a Second Place, and a Third Place award may be given. The exhibits entered by Young Numismatists (YNs) are not marked in any special way, and YN exhibits compete equally for the above three awards.

In addition, there are seven Classes for which only YNs are eligible. Any First Place, Second Place, and Third Place awards presented for those YN classes are included below.

Finally, a number of awards (Best of Show, People's Choice and others) cover exhibits from multiple Classes in their criteria. For a full listing of all awards, see the Rules for Exhibiting.

Class 1 — United States coins
All United States coins and patterns and all coinage or trade tokens used in pre-federal America, except gold.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
5 10 A Die Study of Matte Proof Lincoln Cents 1909 to 1916
This is a complete exhibit of matte proof Lincoln cents struck by different dies.
44 1 The Five Best Parts of Coin Club 2012
To display various U.S. Coins acquired within the past 12 months through the local coin club by a youth member. The display is broad in contents and presented from a youth member viewpoint.

Class 2 — United States fiscal paper
All paper money and bonds issued by the United States government, including military currency; pre-U.S. colonial, Continental, and Confederate paper money and bonds; state and private banknotes and bonds; scrip; college currency; stock certificates. Essays, proofs, and souvenir cards of such items may also be shown.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
2 5 National Bank Notes of Mount Gilead, Ohio
To display a selection of bank notes issued by each of the four national banks located in the town of Mount Gilead, Ohio.
10 7 Having Fun with Paper Money
This exhibit highlights the entertaining aspects of collecting paper money. Here you will find notes whose serial numbers honor birth year; notes featuring fancy serial numbers; notes that have been hand signed by U.S. Treasurers, Secretaries of the Treasury, and engravers; error notes; Disney Dollars; scrip; and fantasy paper money.
16 5 Dixie’s Denominations; Dixie’s Dilemmas
During America’s Civil War of 1861-1865, the Confederate States of America printed multiple denominations and styles of currency. Numerous dilemnas beset the South’s currency: lack of bullion backing, hoarding of coinage, counterfeiting, paper shortages, distrust of paper money, and battlefield defeats. In short order, these dilemmas overwhelmed Dixie and the Confederacy was forced to surrender. But this dark period of history left us with some unusual and colorful southern currency.
20 10 Confederate Paper Money Collection
Complete type set and major rare varieties; educate and illustrate different types of money printed by and for the south during the Civil War.
27 2 Military Payment Certificate Series 481 50 Cents Replacement Note
This exhibit presents a military payment certificate series 481 50 cents replacement note from the third printing. Replacement notes are known for the first and second printing but this is the first reporting of a replacement note from the third printing and is unique at this time.
37 1 My Three Richmond Notes
This exhibit displays and informs the viewer about three notes of different denominations from the Confederate States’ seventh issue of paper currency. The viewer is informed about the engraver, history, importance, number issued, and the printing location of the notes.

Class 3 — Medals, orders, decorations and badges
Medallic items not used as a medium of exchange, or not having trade value. Orders and decorations, convention badges, and badges issued by fraternal orders or other organizations. Excluded are Masonic pennies and tokens included in classes 5-8.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
3 1 S.S. Beaver and Her Medals
This exhibit tells the story of the little steamship S.S. Beaver, the first steamship in the Pacific in 1836. Owned by the Hudson Bay Company, she worked along the western coast of Canada and Alaska until 1888 when she wrecked. Also described are the copper medals struck from her remains.
35 1 The View From Mr. Franklin’s Window
Benjamin Franklin’s experiements with electricity led to further studies into the composition of air and the formation of gases that generated the beginnings of aerial navigation. Franklin not only witnessed, valued, and reported his observations, but also met with early aeronauts in his hotel apartment at Passy. He encouraged and supported them financially. The Paris Mint issued beautiful medals to commemorate these early balloon flights. A copy of an early print is used to illustrate the spectacle these flights produced. Franklin’s descriptions of the first balloon ascensions are almost unknown and do not appear in his philosophical (scientific) papers. It is hoped that here in Philadelphia this numismatic display will instruct viewers on a little-known aspect of a Founding Father’s seminal influence on the history of manned flight.
46 8 Victor David Brenner - Medalist Extraordinaire
The scope and purpose of this exhibit is to familiarize the viewing public with the works of Victor David Brenner. It’s been 29 years since Glenn B. Smedley put pen to paper to record his “descriptive listing” of Brenner’s works in “The Numismatist,” July 1983 and even longer (1971) since D. Wayne Johnson of Medallic Art Company exhibited his medal collection at the Chase Bank Money Museum in Rockefeller Center. This exhibit will serve as a refresher course in the works of one of America’s great medalists through his medals, galvanos, and plasters.
53 7 A Selection of Coins & Medals Commemorating Martin Luther, Philipp Melanchthon, and Three Key Events of the Protestant Reformation 1517-1530
The exhibit displays coins and medals that commemorate the lives of Dr. Martin Luther, Philipp Melanchthon, as well as the Posting of the 95 Theses by Luther on October 31, 1517, the Imperial Diet of Worms - 1521, and the Presentation of the Augsburg Confession - 1530.

Class 4 — Modern coins and medals
Coins issued 1960 and later. Medallic (non-denominated) material issued by a private mint of any country after 1960, including philatelic numismatic covers.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
13 2 A Decade of ANA Exhibit Award Medals
The American Numismatic Association has given a number of different kinds of awards for exhibit class winners: plaquettes, plaques, and medals. In 2002, the ANA moved to a standard, dollar-sized medal format showing one side of the annual World’s Fair of Money convention medal as its obverse, whose design is based on the convention city. This exhibit includes one each first-place exhibit medal which was earned by merit of exhibit.
22 7 A Selection of ANA Convention Badges
Historical overview of past ANA mid-winter and annual conventions, host city, date, badge types issued — regular and ladies.
39 7 Let the Games Begin: Coins of the Modern Olympic Games
Tells the story of coinage issued by the host nations in honor of hosting the event. Beginning during the 1952 Summer Olympic Games in Hesinki, Finland, most of the Olympic hosts have issued coins with the exception of the 1956-60, 1968 Winter Games and the 1980 Winter Olympic Games. A popular collectible in the numismamtic and sports communities, they have become an interesting field to collect.

Class 5 — Tokens
Items, including encased postage, issued unofficially as a medium of exchange for goods and services or for advertising purposes, but excluding American colonial items included in class 1. Includes Masonic pennies and substances used in lieu of metal.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
14 3 Boy For Sale? Tokens for the Redemption of the Firstborn Son
Jews have redeemed their firstborn sons from the priestly families for more than three thousand years, in accordance with Biblical law. Normally this was done with coinage of the realm or trade ingots. Special tokesn and coins were produced for this purpose only in the last century. This exhibit contains an example of each known redemption token, starting with amulets that may have been made to portect the child from evil forces prior to the redemption ceremony and moving on to purely utilitarian pieces recently made. It includes two unique, hand-engraved ingots.
23 5 Taking Care of Business: A Selection of Early Merchant Tokens of Philadelphia
After its founding by William Penn in 1692, Philadelphia rapidly developed into a thriving community, benefitting from its advantageous location at the confluence of the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers and surrounded by the fertile farmland of the Brandywine Valley and New Jersey plains. So dramatic was Philadelphia’s growth that within a century of its founding, it became the site of the First and Second Continental Congresses and served as the National Capitol for a period of time. This growth was reflected in Philadelphia’s importance as a commercial center, with businesses ranging from shipbuilding and import/export to home furnishings, clothing, printing, and other goods for local consumption and trade. These businesses often produced tokens as a means of advertising or acting as admission passes for certain attractions. This exhibit displays a number of these tokens produced by Philadelphia merchants prior to the Civil War.
49 2 Military POGS from Afghanistan
An exhibit of POGS issued by the governments of the USA, Canada and the UK for use by the military personnel while “On Duty” in Afghanistan. These POGS may be fairly plain (as in the UK or Canadian POGS) or have extensive photos of military scenes (as in the USA POGS). These POGS are found commonly in the military zones of Afghanistan but are rarely seen back “at home.”" I have taken an interest in these POGS and would like others to have the opportunity to aso enjoy their beauty.

Class 6 — Casino chips and gaming tokens
Items of all types and materials used as gaming pieces, including traditional and non-traditional tokens and other money substitutes and including tokens used in military clubs.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
43 6 A Selection of Gaming Chips Featuring Roulette Wheel Designs
This exhibit is an example of a topical or unified theme approach to collecitng gaming chips, specifically all the chips in this exhibit have roulette wheel designs of some sort on them.

Class 7 — Engraved coins
Numismatic items that have been converted to jewelry, amulets, or decorative objects. Examples are love tokens, hobo nickels, and “pop-out” coins.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose

Class 8 — Elongated coins
Souvenirs created using an elongating machine, whether the underlying piece is a coin, token, medal or blank planchet.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
18 3 Early Elongated Coins of Philadelphia
This exhibit displays a majority of the early elongated coins with Philadelphia as their subject matter. Those included were produced during or before the year 1965, a year chosen because it was the year of publication of the standard reference, The Elongated Collector. The pieces included in the exhibit either depict a Philadelphia point of interest, were produced for an event in Philadelphia, were produced by a Philadelphia business, or have a device or inscription otherwise related to the city of Philadelphia. Through elongated coins, this exhibit seeks to tell a small portion of the rich history of the City of Brotherly Love.
30 3 Law Enforcement Themed Elongated Coins
The exhibit will have various elongated coins with Law Enforcement themes on them (sheriffs, marshals, police, etc.).
40 2 Elongated Coins of the 1926 Philadelphia Sesquicentennial
The exhibit will feature elongated coins that were used in the promotion of the 1926 Philadelphia Sesquicentennial, also known as the Philadelphia World’s Fair. A variety of the different elongated coins issued will be presented, along with applicable history of the event. The exhibit will showcase the beginning of double-sided elongated coins. In addition to an early form of an elongated coin used as a souvenir badge used at the 1926 Philadelphia Sesquicentennial.

Class 9 — Coins issued prior to 1500 A.D.
Coins including gold, issued by any government before 1500 A.D.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
61 2 Early Dated Aachen, 1372-1422
Starting in the late 14th Century, early Anno Domini dating on a series of coins began with silver struck in Aachen, Germany. All dates are denoted in Roman numerials. Only later in the 15th Cenyury did such dating appear on gold and copper coins.

Class 10 — Regional U.S. numismatics
Numismatic material of any type specific to a particular region of the United States, such as the locale where the exhibit is being presented.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
7 2 Pennsylvania Railroad Heroic Service Medals
In 1922 the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad decided to recognize employees with a Heroic Service Medal. This exhibit chronicles the creation of the award medal, the formation of the award committee, as well as production and distribution details. A failed prototype for the Long Island Railroad is discussed, as well as three individual award citations.
21 1 A Medallic Tribute to Her Heroic Sons: The Pennsylvania State Memorial Medal
The Pennsylvania State Memorial is by far the largest monument on the battlefield at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. This exhibit highlights the little-known medal issued to mark the Memorial’s completion and dedication in 1910, just a few years before the Battle of Gettysburg’s fiftieth anniversary.
26 2 Philadelphia Obsolete Notes $1 to $1,000
On exhibit is a type set of obsolete notes from Philadelphia, PA from $1 to $1,000. The notes were issued prior to U.S. issues which started in 1861.
29 7 Railroad & River Hub Gives Rise to Bank of Chattanooga in 1850s — Pre-Civil War Notes
Chattanooga was settled in 1840 and became an important river port on the Tennessee, Ohio, and Mississippi River system. With the completion of the Western and Atlantic Railroad that linked Savannah, Macon, Athens, Augusta, and Atlanta to Chattanooga in 1851, Chattanooga became a southern transportation hub. The Nasville and Chattanooga Railroad extended the hub to Nashville in 1854. The Memphis and Charleston Railroad opened up a direct route west from Chattanooga to Membphis in 1855. The Bank of Chattanooga was chartered in 1854 with a capital of $500,000, reduced to $212,000 in 1856 to serve the city and the transportation needs. All of the available pre-Civil War notes from the Bank of Chattanooga listed in Garland’s book, as well as the recently discovered types, are exhibited.
36 2 A Set of 1776 Georgia Colonial Currency: The Engraved Black Vignette Series
In 1776 Georgia issued a series of six pieces of paper money which have significant interest because of their unusual and interesting vignettes.
62 7 67 Counties Pennsylvania Bank Notes
I will be showing one Pennsylvania National bank note from each of the 67 counties within the state of PA. All are large size notes, with each note coming from a PA County Seat.

Class 11 — Numismatics of the Americas
Numismatic material of any type issued or used in the Western Hemisphere outside the United States.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
4 2 A Coin From the Pirate Ship Whydah
In 1717 the pirate ship Whydah, commanded by “Black Sam” Bellamy, sank in a terrible storm off Cape Cod with the loss of a huge captured treasure and all but two of the crew. The treasure was salvaged in 1982 by Barry Clifford, who placed all of the treasure in his pirate museum. The coin in this exhibit is the only Whydah coin ever sold.
19 10 Coins of Guatemala
To provide an explanation of Guatemalan coinage from the Spanish colonial period to present day, and to show how the country’s history and culture is reflected in its coinage.
25 1 Guatemala, 5 Pesos Issue, 1895-1915
On exhibit are the face and back regular issue and proof note of the 1895-1915 5 pesos Guatemala note. A die proof of the central vignette, information on Guatemala along with a map are also displayed.
41 4 Morse Code on Money
This exhibit shows the change of communication from Pony Express to that day’s “instant communication,” Morse Code. Morse Code changed the way we communicated. Learn who Samuel Morse was and coins that have Morse Code on them.

Class 12 — Numismatics of Europe
Numismatic material of any type issued or used in Europe, including Russia east to the Urals.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
31 2 Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871
Cause and effects of the war, military innovations, Paris Mint in peril and special coin minted, continuation of 1813 Iron Cross to F-P War 1870.
32 3 Catherine II of Russia
These three cases present some typical coins during the reign of Catherine II, of Russia. They are examples of the various denominations and four portraits used on the coinage. All portrait coins are scarce.

Class 13 — Numismatics of Africa and the Middle East
Numismatic material of any type issued or used on the continent of Africa and in the Middle East (from Turkey east through Iran and south to Aden).
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose

Class 14 — Numismatics of Asia and the Pacific
Numismatic material issued or used in Asia east of the Urals and Iran, and in the southeast Asian, Australasian, and Pacific islands. Excluded is Hawaii under the United States.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose

Class 15 — Gold Coins
Gold coins of any provenance or era.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
6 2 Three Gold Ladies
This is a type set of gold dollars minted by the U.S. Mint.
12 1 A Set of Dutch-Israel Gold Fantasy Coins
In 1962, a Dutch Mint in Utrecht issued a set of gold fantasy coins honoring the State of Israel. They portray the two most famous of Israel’s ancient kings, David and Solomon. Their reverse shows symbols associated with the twelve tribes of Israel. This exhibit describes the fantasy coins and the history behind their designs. It contains one example each of the two known coin types — one of each denomination and obverse design. It also shows Israeli coins, medals, and stamps whose artwork may have inspired the Dutch to produce the fantasies. These fantasy coins are rare.

Class 16 — Numismatic errors and error varieties
Any numismatic material mis-struck or misprinted by the producer, including varieties caused by die or plate deterioration or damage. Excluded are items mutilated or altered after production.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
8 3 The Illusive 1943 Bronze & Silver Cents Together With Their Many Wrong Planchet Cousins
To display the famous 1943 Philadelphia and San Francisco Mint’s bronze planchet error cents, as well as some 1943 silver planchet cent errors; together with some 1944 steel and silver cent planchet errors. Also, to show many of the same type of wrong planchet errors, before and after 1943; all of which were meant to be struck as one cent copper pieces. Further, to show how many coins that were properly struck as dimes, but found their way into the cent presses and were overstruck as one cent pieces. Since the ten cent planchet was smaller than the cent planchet, it was an easy mistake. Finally, to show cent planchets struck by larger dies.

Class 17 — Numismatic literature
Printed and manuscript (published or unpublished) literature dealing with any numismatic subject.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
24 4 American Numismatic Literature of the 1850s
Show the early American numismatic auction sales of the 1850s that started the coin auction business in this country, also some of the publications available to the early collectors in this country.

Class 18 — General, specialized and topical
Numismatic material not covered in other classes or covered by more than one class (but see rule 20.B). Includes wooden money, political buttons and insignia, and other exonumia, as well as media of exchange used in carrying out purchases and business transactions by primitive people and later by others as they progressed from barter to coins, or other items generally accepted as primitive or odd and curious currencies. Also includes exhibits showing material linked by design, such as elephants or bridges, or by theme, such as a world’s fair.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
1 9 Pawnbroking: Borrowing Money from “Uncle”
This exhibit illustrates the different aspects of Pawnbroking and the Pawnbroker from the late 19th century to the early 20th century. Some of the important themes included in the exhibit are: common items pawned, Pawnshops, the pawnbroker’s symbol — “the three balls,” interest rates, and the pawnbroker depicted as a Jewish caricature. Picture postcards, trade cards, real photos, tokens, and paper money are used to illustrate the many themes.
28 2 World War II Foreign Coins from the United States Mint Composed of Shell Casings Metal
The United States Mint used brass from World War II spent shell casings for the 1944-1946 cents but the shell casings metal had to be alloyed with copper. The United States Mint used shell casing metal without any additional alloy to strike coins for foreign countries during World War II. 38 coins from 8 countries struck from brass salvaged from spent shell casings are presented.
33 7 Notgeld: A Journey Through Post World War I Germany
Educate public on inflationary economies and unique materials employed for emergency money.

Class 19 — Convention theme
Numismatic items of any type that, together with the exhibit text, illustrate the announced theme for the convention at which the exhibit is shown. 2012 ANA World’s Fair of Money theme: “The Birthplace of U.S. Money”
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
17 4 Benjamin Franklin and Some of His English Friends and Foes Prior to and During the Revolutionary War
Benjamin Franklin became acquainted with numerous prominent Englishmen (and women) during the years he spent in England prior to the American Revolution. Some of them subsequently played important roles during the Revolution, both supporting and opposing British policy. Many of these individuals have been commemorated on medals (usually struck pieces in metal) and medallions (cast pieces in non-metallic materials). A selection of these are exhibited.
34 4 New Jersey Paper Currency, from the Revolution to Before the Opening of the U.S. Mint
Show the different paper currency in use in the State of New Jersey from 1776 until the early 1790s, both official and representatve small change currency in use at the time. Included will be information about some of the important people who signed and produced the currency.

Class 20 — Emeritus
Exhibits by individuals not otherwise eligible to exhibit competitively (see rule 1.A.1), or exhibits that have won best-of-show or twice won in class competition at the World’s Fair of Money (see rule 19.A). Any other exhibit may also be entered at the exhibitor’s option. The winner of this class does not advance to best-of-show judging.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
45 4 Carhart, Inc. and Their Chance Connection to the U.S. Mint
This exhibit will show how a Carhart button found its way into the dies of the U.S. Mint and struck a Liberty V nickel on top of the button, thus linking the two for all history.

Class 21 — Best-of-Show Candidates from National Money Shows
Best-of-show winners from previous National Money Show conventions, competing here only for the Howland Wood Memorial Award for Best-of-Show.
E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
11 9 Off the Beaten Numismatic Path
I never met a coin, medal, token, or piece of paper money I didn’t like, and this exhibit proves it! Here you’ll find a selection from over 300 unusual numismatic pieces that were impossible for me to resist over 50 years of collecting. Some of them are a bit strange. Others are rare or even unique. Still others have striking historical significance that sets them apart from the crowd of date sets, mints sets, and high grade slabs. Very few of the items in this exhibit fit neatly into typical collection inventories, so they are truly “off the beaten numismatic path.”
15 2 Numismatic Polygons
There are a variety of possible themes for collecting modern coins. This exhibit contains fourteen coins, one of each regular polygon shape that has been issued by a sovereign government. All of these circulated, although some are one-year commemorative types. They come from every continent and practically every decade since 1900.

Non-Competitive Exhibits

Although there are a number of reasons which might preclude a given exhibit from being placed in one of the Competitive Classes, none implies anything negative about the given exhibit. You might find some of them to be quite special. The following exhibits are as worthy of your viewing time as any of the Competitive Exhibits.

E# #c Title and Theme/Purpose
9 24 Money: “How Sweet It Is”
Candy money from around the world; a non-serious collection of candy money assembled over a 20+ year period.
38 7 Girl Scouts of America 100th Anniversary
A tribute to the Girl Scouts of America.
50 6 Russian Coins of Conquest
Reading history books gives one a picture of kings and emperors expanding their realms through conquest, a pattern in place since before the dawn of history. What the books do not portray is the titanic effort it then took to absorb the new conquest and integrate it into the conquering state — a small part of which was changing the coinage. One of those expanding empires, the Russian Empire, was invariably strapped for cash and therefore sometimes allowed the new territory to run itself the way it was accustomed to and only gradually transitioned it to the Russian way of doing things. This could lead to years or even decades of Russian Imperial coinage, in the local denominations and language and for use only in that region. In other cases — particularly in primitive areas like Siberia, where coinage didn’t exist previously — a new mint would have to be constructed in the area but local circumstances would force a special series of coinage. Another way in which conquest could lead to local varieties of coinage was occupation coinage — coinage made for use in territories that Russia had no intention of keeping but were occupied as part of a larger war. All of these situations led to a vast variety of local and speicial issues of Russian coinage. This exhibit will show a representative example of many of these coinages.
54 8 War of 1812 Treasury Notes
The exhibit displays one of the most comprehensive showings ever of War of 1812 Treasury Notes.
55 2 Abraham Lincoln: A Legacy in Numismatics
56 2 Ben Franklin: A Man for All Time
57 3 Coins of the Olympiads
58 3 Money in Early America
59 4 Money of the Civil War
60 4 Spades, Knives and Cash: A History of Chinese Coinage